SmartCatch: Net Management for Reducing Bycatch
SmartCatch is an IoT solution to a common problem faced by fishermen around the world: Bycatch. Bycatch refers to all of the unintended marine life that gets caught in a fisherman’s nets in addition to the target species.
The SmartCatch system consists of three parts: DigiCatch, SmartNet, and DataCloud. DigiCatch is a real-time, remote-control HD camera and sensor system that stays in the net, allowing fishermen to monitor exactly what’s in their catch. SmartNet is a smart release system that allows fishermen to release rejected marine life in their trawl nets without pulling the net aboard.
And finally, DataCloud is a data hub that allows fishermen to perform analytics and oversight in order to optimize every fleet deployment.
“I believe that by leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and drawing upon the knowledge amassed by generations of fishermen, effective solutions can be found,” said Rob Terry, SmartCatch founder and CTO.